Sunday, 4 December 2016

What is the difference between a Christian Academy School and a Public School.....?

At Kingdom Life Academy, we get many questions about how we as a Christian academy school differ from public schools. In California, we have some of the best public schools in the country, yet these schools lack the education in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that a Christian Academy School has to offer. 

Here are some important differences between Christian Academy Schools and Public Schools:

Control of Curriculum

Public schools are funded and thus controlled by the public Ministry of Education, thus, public schools are required to carry out the specific curriculum requirements mandated by the state of California. A Christian Academy school still ensures that students get all the required curriculum standards, but curriculum also allows room for parental involvement in the shaping of the Christian education.

Scientific Approach

One of the main differences for a Christian academy school in orange county in comparison to public schools are in their approach to Science and the creation, where Christian academy schools maintain that God is the Creator of heaven and earth. We recognize other approaches such as naturalism, while reinforcing the belief that Earth was created by God.

Literature Studied

While public schools give students a variety of literature to represent various aspects, backgrounds and histories of the human experience, Christian academy schools choose literature that is representative of the Christian tradition and include the morals and values demonstrated in The Bible and through the life of Jesus Christ.

Peer Groups

Students at Christian academy schools are supported in their Christian education because they are surrounded by peers who also come from Christian families. Friendships made through Christian academy schools allows families to share their love for Jesus Christ with each other and demonstrate His example through their interactions.

Christian Teachers

Public school education includes teachers from various backgrounds, ways of life, religions and perspectives, that don’t necessarily reinforce the values a Christian family wants their children to be exposed to through their education. All teachers at Christian academy schools are committed believers in Jesus Christ and are committed to modeling His life to their students.

Californians are lucky to have so many educational options to choose from when seeking the most appropriate elementary education for their student. For those parents and families that know they want their kids to participate in a Christian education where He is at the center of all learning, look no further than Kingdom Life Academy. We are the exemplar Christian academy school who teaches and lives under the example of God and Jesus Christ, seeking to honor Him in all we do. Come visit us today to consider Kingdom Life Academy as your child’s Christian academy school.

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