When deciding on
preschool education in Rancho Santa Margarita CA
for your child, it can be quite difficult to differentiate between
schools and ensuring what is important to your family, integrated into
your child’s learning. A child’s early development is one of the most
important stages in learning, not just academically but socially, as
this is when their minds are the most likely to absorb information. This
then paves the way for how they act, make decision and continue to
learn later in their life.

Preschool refers to early education of a
child between the age of 3-4 years to enhance their development and
level of understanding and finding the right educational programme can
benefit your child tremendously. Preschool Education in Rancho Santa Margarita CA
is becoming more and more popular with many programmes opening up in
the area. It is important to understand the difference between childcare
and preschool education, as preschool education is specifically
designed to build well-educated, empowered and informed humans.
Importance of preschool education
The evidence of the impact pre-school
education has on a child’s development is ever-increasing. Children that
attend a year of pre-school education have stronger vocabularies, more
tolerance to learning new things, better reading capacities and an
improved grasp of basic maths. On top of this, the child will learn
proper social skills that are applied throughout life including problem
solving, how to compromise and understanding the wider context of
situations. As preschool education in Rancho Santa Margarita CA is
becoming more and more competitive, it is important to choose a
programme that will best improve the development of your child
academically, socially and internally.
Kingdom Life Academy School
Kingdom Life Academy School
is for those who desire affordable and quality Christian education.
Located in Rancho Santa Margarita with the name aspiring to reflect the
Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom Life Academy appeal to families who want to
educate their child in a God-driven environment so that they will be
fully equipped with wisdom, love and power when they advance the Kingdom
of God. This is a perfect school for families who want to give their
children private education that incorporates the holy spirit without
having to pay the high rates of tuition at traditional private schools.
What Kingdom Life Academy offers?
Although the tuition fees are low, the
school is able to offer the highest quality of education and facilities
through donations from community members, the church and families. The
school strives to academically prepare and empower each student to lead,
and become world changers, for Christ. Kingdom Life Academy School
provides specific facilities to deliver a full and rigorous catholic preschool education to your child.
Catholic preschool education
at Kingdom Life Academy School uses the California standards based
educational experience in all of its teachings to your children. This
includes; critical thinking, problem solving, creative thinking, depth
and complexity of context, connections to big ideas and biblical truths
and most important of all; providing a safe environment for the children
to attain these goals in.
The environments the children will be taught in will fully embrace the presence of God in every subject they learn. With Catholic preschool education,
Kingdom Life Academy believe that the discipline needed to learn and
focus each day lies within the moral character of the student, which can
only be developed with a close relationship with God through Jesus
Kingdom Life Academy works to facilitate
students with enriched learning experiences from a clear model of
Christian life reflected through its staff and board members. We work to
lead by example and encourage the children, as a result, to continue on
their relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
Kingdom Life Academy educational
programme includes language, maths, social studies and science, but the
school is also supportive of the arts. Therefore, visual and performing
arts and media are also seen as critical components to a child’s growth
and development in becoming leaders for the glory of god.
We partner with parents to ensure each
child exceeds their learning capacity, understanding that every child
has various learning styles and techniques. The classes are very small
in order to give the teacher adequate time with all individuals,
academically supporting each student in their learning.
Kingdom Life Academy host a number of
formal events through the year including Breakfast and Tours and
Perspective Parenting Conferences so both parents and teachers can come
together to learn how to support our children in learning, solving
problems and building relationships. Of course, we also put on our
annual Christmas performance for families to come together in this
joyous celebration of our lord, Jesus Christ.
All teachers are fully qualified with
the complete set of credentials necessary to teach the entire
curriculum, based on brain-research and leadership training, to your
children. The staffs are committed to giving your children a Catholic preschool education to ensuring they become lifelong learners through their relationship with Jesus Christ.
So, be very selective when deciding on which form of preschool education in Rancho Santa Margarita CA
to go with. If you are taking the decision to enroll your child into
pre-school education, then the curriculum should be meticulously
examined, including the teachers and how their methods in helping the
children to understand and develop.
With the catholic preschool education in Rancho Santa Margarita CA
at Kingdom Life Academy School, you can be assured that not only is the
curriculum planned to educate the children, but the teachers are
following Jesus Christ and the teachings of the bible to provide an
environment that embraces the presence of God all day. The combination
of both academic learning and the teachings of God will allow your
children to be molded and grow in the same way; being kind, considerate
and honest human beings.